Sometimes, I get so caught up in competitiveness and comparison ( you need some, but too much is not good) that I fail to see and be content with what I have. Personally, photography is one of the best teachers for patience, gratefulness and humbleness.
Patience come into training as all I have is a compact digital camera. Sometimes I get stuck in the mindset that my gear limits me (well it does to a certain extend). I get so engrossed seeing other photographers with dslr cameras shooting away. Probably because I dream to be a professional dslr photographer in the future. I trust that one day, I will be my dream and I need to want it enough to have it. As for now I should be gratefully content with what I have (some people cant afford compact cameras :/) and use it to the fullest.
Humbleness; seeing so many photographers blooming around me and shooting amazing shots! It always brings me back to reality and is a source of inspiration to improve. My biggest competitor is myself. Sometimes when it is all a drag, I should just zone out to spot the blessings in life :)
My wish to you for you to hold on in life is that
whatever your dream is, though it may seem like a long track there hold on to it. :)
Never give up your dream(s) and dream BIG.