Sunday, March 8, 2009


Fully Rely On God.

Being overseas in a foreign country made me realised that I would need to rely on God on so many more things than before. Leaving your comfort zone behind is never easy, let alone if sustaining by your own strength and wisdom. I can't carry forward my expectation or ways that I used to operate in. When circumstances change, without realising you are to be forced to accept and change. Wherever you go, everything will change. But one thing that I know, out of all the changes that happens, there is an element that is always constant. God is constant. How comforting to acknowledge that in all the which, how, who, when, where God remains constant and never changes regardless in whatever circumstances.

To me, it comforts me in my not-comfort-zone that God is here with me and will never leave me although other things/people would. How amazing it is to know someone is ever faithful to you when you might not even be faithful to Him at numerous times. I rest assure you that you can never find another person like Him.


cfsam said...

FROG is good...really goood =)

TRACE said...

thanks for the post sis.
F.R.O.G. is our lifestyle.
always love u. =)

Vishal Murthy said...

Hey, I probably asked you this already, but what are you studying in Australia? Not photography? Anyway, how are things there?